WHAT WE DO:  JMEC works with architects and owners to develop structural systems to optimize both functional and safety requirements. Services included evaluates alternatives in the planning stage, prepares construction documents for building permit and construction,  provides construction support and structural observation and helps owners to obtain building occupancy permit.

WHAT WE DO:  For unusual structures where architectural requirements demand long spans and complex framing details, JMEC works with architects and owners to develop practical framing systems to satisfy aesthetics and structural requirements. Provides engineering support services during construction, and partnering with the owner, architect, and contractor for a successful project completion.

Building Retrofit
WHAT WE DO:  JMEC performs structural surveillance and structural analysis to evaluate structural deficiencies and works with architects and owners to develop retrofit measures to satisfy local ordinances and to minimize architectural and historical impact. JMEC provides construction design support and structural observation, and provides construction manager at owner's request.

Corporate Office
165 Lennon Lane, Suite 106, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Tel:  (925) 944-8999      Fax: (925) 944-9998

Copyright © 2024 JMEC Engineering Inc.  All rights reserved.
Recreation Facilities
WHAT WE DO:  JMEC helps City owners and developers to design, renovate, repair and retrofit various park facilities.  Facilities include club houses, swimming pool, bridges, and playground structures.

Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URMB)
WHAT WE DO:  JMEC helps building owners and developers to evaluate and retrofit various URMB to satisfy local URMB Ordinances and to minimize seismic risk.  JMEC coordinates various material testing and reports necessary for construction permit.  During construction JMEC provides construction engineering services and structural observation, and coordinates various special inspections.